From our pastor:
Crievewood United Methodist Church welcomes you to share in the mission and ministry God has placed upon the heart of this congregation. We are a covenant community called to embrace the means of grace that deepen our relationship with God and one another; called to serve as a means of grace in the neighborhood and beyond.
Believing in God the Creator, Jesus Christ our Savior, and the Holy Spirit as God’s presence with us always, we understand ourselves to be worship centered, mission minded, and Bible based. It is our intent to grow disciples who love and serve Christ according to Micah 6:8: loving kindness, doing justice, and walking humbly with God.
We know ourselves to be a blessed congregation and in turn seek to be a blessing, individually and corporately. We are convinced that the world has been gifted with God’s Kingdom through Christ Jesus, and labor together to live faithfully in it. We hope you will join us!
-Rev. John Hill